Ndifreke Ekott

Thoughts, stories, ideas and programming

05 Feb 2025
29 Jan 2025

How to de-couple your business logic by writing a simple EventBus module

One of the exciting moments in the life of a software application is evolution, the moment you have to add yet another feature. Adding a new business capability is a sign of more usage being expected from running software. However, depending on how long the software has been running, adding new capabilities can be challenging. In a code base that isn’t well thought out, the result is a lot of procedural calls or couple if then else statements.

22 Aug 2024

Understanding and Working With Sql/Json Language With Postgresql

I must say, I have enjoyed my journey of understanding PostgreSQL offerings for JSON data type. I am also realising how much ORMs do for you; there can be pros to using one and cons simultaneously depending on your personality. There is however a sense of satisfaction in understanding how the database we depend on for business works.

07 Aug 2024

Understanding Operations on Json Data Types With Postgresql

ostgreSQL provides some operators for working with `json` and `jsonb` data. The best way to review these operators is by memorising their use. There aren’t names but symbols so hold on tight, while I write down a couple I think you are more likely to use them right away.

03 Aug 2024

Understanding and working with JSON data types with PostgreSQL

There was a time when if you had to work with a lot of JSON structured data, you had to turn to building NoSQL databases like MongoDB purposefully. However, the relational database world has caught on and given us the option to work with relational and non-relational data within the same database engine